Thursday, January 27, 2011

A lot has been going on around here lately. Tess has rolled over from front to back, started smiling and can sleep up to 6 hours at a time. Tucker has been repeating more words and has a new word almost every day. He is enjoying MDO and doesn't throw fits when being dropped off anymore. His teacher tells me he especially likes to play with one of the girls there.

Just a few pics of the kiddos...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas in Enid

This is a long overdue post, but better late than never, right?

We spent Christmas Eve night driving from Maud to Enid, since that is where we told Santa we would be on Christmas morning. The kids woke up to a flurry of presents, so they must have been very good this year. Tess enjoyed Christmas morning as you could expect any 1 month old to enjoy Christmas. Tucker opened a few gifts, including a few books, and then lost any interest in any other gifts. He preferred to have Dad read to him while Mom made her way through his piles of gifts to be opened.

Here are some of the pictures from our Christmas in Enid

Cute little baby butt

Miller Girls with hubbies and kiddos (minus JJ who was in Iraq and is coming home tomorrow!!)

The whole gang in our Christmas PJ's

Meggie and Grandad with Tess and Tucker

Will holding Tess

Aunt Helen reading to Tess her recordable book

Grandma Heller, Ruth and Tess

"I'll share with you, we're family"

Max and Tucker making a mess with their Aunt Erica

Tucker with his Mom

Enjoying a little storytime

Grandad and Tess

Grandma and Grandpa Miller with Tess

Meggie and Mom admiring Tess

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Eve in Maud

We drove to Oklahoma on Thursday to start the holiday festivities in Maud. After we made a stop to eat dinner, about halfway through our road trip, Tucker kept asking to go home. We tried explaining to him where we were going and why, but our little guy is just a homebody I suppose. Mama O'Daniel with Tess

Tucker with Mama and Papa

Tess with Great-grandma O'Daniel

Getting Ready for Christmas

Enjoying a peaceful snooze by the tree

Tucker giving his little sis a little love

Tucker decorating cookies by pouring heaping mounds of colored sugar

Catching Up

It's been awhile since we updated the blog. It's a little hard to get anything done with 2 kids under the age of 2 :) Tess has been growing wonderfully. At her 2 week visit, the doctor commented that she had gained more weight than he had ever seen in all his years of practice for that time period. She had gained 1lb 6oz from her birth weight and she hasn't slowed down since. We're having lots of fun getting to know her and big brother Tucker has warmed up to her as well. Tucker likes to help us take care of Tess by getting diapers, reinserting the pacifier and bathing her.2 weeks old

Tucker helping out at bath time